Solar Water Heater Blog Project

Comments: 1    

1. Which solar water heater works out best? Black or white?
2. Will tempeture increase more if we cover the heater with a lid? 
If the container is uncovered then the tempeture will go down.
1.Write a question and a hypothsis.
2.Tape either black or white plastic into the container.
3.Fill the container up with water.
4.Place a lid on half of the containers.
5.Place thermometer into water.
6.Measure tempeture.
7.Take data.

For this scientific experiment you will need a thermometer, 
any color of plastic, container, and you also need a clear space. 

Results in sentence form (would not bold)

Covered black showed the most tempeture increase.

Changes for next time (would not bold)

Use different designs so the tempeture will increase

New questions (would not bold)

Why does covered black attract the most heat?

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schneiderm on December 8, 2006 at 3:56 AM
I like how you put "use different designs to the tempeture will increase." it is really creative!


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