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Solar Water heater Blog Project

Comments: 2    



Which solar water heates background works best black or white?

Will temperture increase more if we cover the haeter with a lid? is                            


I the plastic is black and uncoverd then,  it will heat faster.


Results in sentence form 

Covered black increased in tempature form


Conclusion statment based on data resuits 

A black coverd solar water heater will increase the most. 


Changes for next time 

 Go out on a warmmer day.  Use bigger containers 


New quistions 

Does the time of day matter?  Will more less water effect how it heats faster? 

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wyoming5 on October 11, 2006 at 9:50 PM
This blog entry looks pretty good. Check below for your grade.
--Your questions are testable. 2 points
--Your hypothesis is written as an "If...Then..." statement. 2 points
--Results are in sentence form, but I dont' understand them. 1 point
--Conclusion is present. 2 points
--Changes and new questions are present. 2 points
--Total: 9/10


schneiderm on November 9, 2006 at 5:41 PM
I really like your picture and this entry you did! It has really good detail!!


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