
Solar Water Heater Blog Project

Comments: 2    


Questions :

1. Which Solar Water Heater background works best? Black or White?

2. Will teperature increase more if we cover the heater with a lid?
Hypothesis :
If the container is uncovered, then the temperature will go down.
Procedure :
1.Write a question and hypothesis.
2. tape either black or white into the contianer.
3. fill the contaier with water.
4. place a lid on half of the containers.
5. place thermometer into water.
6. measure temperature every 5 minutes.
7. record your data.
For this expirement, you will need: thermometer, black and
white plastic, a container, a clear area, and 20 minutes.

Results in sentance form

covered black showed the most increase in temperature.

Changes for next time

Use different designs, so there will be more heat.

New Questions

Why does covered black attract the most heat?

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wyoming5 on October 12, 2006 at 3:13 AM
This blog entry looks pretty good, but you left out some requirements. Check below for your grade.
--Your questions are testable. 2 points
--Your hypothesis is written as an "If...Then..." statement, but it doesn't say anything about the background. 1 point
--Results are in sentence form. 2 points
--Conclusion is not present. 0 points
--Changes and new questions are present. 2 points
--Total: 7/10


schneiderm on December 8, 2006 at 3:57 AM
This blog entry looks really good! I like how you organized everything!


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