Entries "My entries":

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Scribe Post #4

Learning Target:Subtracting in Algebra

Lesson:Addition and Subtraction are inverse operations.  So you can solve a subtraction problem by adding, as long as you add the same number to each side.

Example:  x-7=11       Here's how you do it    x-7=11


                                                                  x     = 18

For more algebra go to this website.

»9:50 PM    »1 comments    

Posted by: mooreh
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

El Greco- How his Eyes saw Art

default     The reason I choose El Greco for my project is because of the day I went to the Chicago Art Institute and saw his paintings and I thought he used very unique colors in his paintings and I wondered about the unusual shapes. My mom said  that El Greco's paintings have oddly shaped objects because due to astigmatism.  I learned later that it also could have been due to madness or religous fervour.    
     He was born in Greece in 1541 and his name was not El Greco.  It was Domenikos Theotocopoulos but when he moved to Spain he became the Greek or El Greco in Spanish. He always signed his paintings using his real name and using Greek letters.  He studied under the great artist Titian and under fantastic Michelangelo.  In his lifetime he had a proud disposition but only had moderate financial sucess.  Some of his famous paintings are The View of Toledo, Christ on the Cross, Protrait of a Cardinal, Laocoon, and The Baptism of Christ.  Looking at all these paintings you do see that peoples legs are bent in a way that is not possible and it does make you think that he had astigmatism.  I don't think he was crazy but you decide.
     One very interesting thing about El Greco is that two hundred years after his death his painting inspired some of the greated artist of the Expressionist movement in the 1800's. 


»2:30 AM    »1 comments    

Posted by: mooreh
Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Scribe Post #3

Learning Target:adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators
Lesson: When finding unlike denominator fractions you find the LCD and then you have to multiply the denominator and the numerator by the number that corresponds with the LCD.

Example: 1/2  +  1/3  + 1/6 Change the denominators to 6 and the numinators get multiplied by the same number as the denominators    3/6  +  2/6  + 1/6  = 1

»3:22 AM    »2 comments    

Posted by: mooreh
Monday, October 23, 2006

Scribe Post #2

 Learning Target

Use startergies  to develop  formulas  for  finding the circumfrence of a circle




Let's say the circumference 19.3 it would be multiplyed  by 3.14


circumference of circle


»7:57 PM    »Write comment    

Posted by: mooreh
Monday, October 16, 2006

Scirbe Post #1

Learning Target

Estimating sums and differences using decimals


51.12+49.16=? Round to 51+49=100

57.21-35.07=? Round to 57-35=22


If the decimal is higher than 5 you round up.If it is 4 and lower you round down.


defaultTake a great quiz

»3:51 PM    »Write comment    

Posted by: mooreh