
Solar Water Heater Blog Project

Comments: 2    



  • Which solar water heater backround works best, black or white?

  • Will the tempture increes more if we cover the heater with a lid?


IF: There is uncovered black plastic solar water heater,

THEN: the water will increase the temperature more. Coverd black attracts the most heat.

Results in sentance form

  • Coverd black attracts the most heat. It increases the most in tempurature

Conclusion statement based on data and results

  • A black solar water heater that is covered will increase the tempuature best.


Chages for next time

  • We could use a different desine for the solar water heaters.


New Question

  • Will soap affect this prodject



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    wolbero on October 13, 2006 at 2:12 AM
    This is an excellent entry. Look below for your grade.
    --Questions are testable...2 points
    --Hypothesis is written as an "If...then..." statement...2 points
    --Results are written in sentence form...2 points
    --Conclusion is correct...2 points
    --Changes and new question are present...2 points
    Total: 10/10


    schneiderm on November 16, 2006 at 1:44 AM
    hi, I really like your blog entry! I also really like the picture of the heater!


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