Entries "My entries":

Sunday, January 7, 2007



        What is a savanna?

               A savanna is a rolling grass land with trees scatered

        Where is a savanna?

        There are savannas in Africa, South America, India, Myanmar-Thailand, and Australia.

        What is the climit?

               The climit is hot and not much rain falls.  December through Febuary is cooler.  The temputure is  70'

       What animals live there?

             Lions, giraffe, crocadles, impalas, hippos, hyenas and many more.

     What was are some of the plants?

           Some of the plants are Gum tree Eucalyptus, Jackalberry tree, River bushwilow, Elephant grass, Umbrella thorn tree, Whistaling thorn.


    For more info try this website or you ca try this one here also you can try Savanna plants





»11:12 PM    »Write comment     »Send entry    

Posted by: wolbero
Modified on January 7, 2007 at 11:14 PM
Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Adding With Mixed Numbers Comman Denomonators

 Learning Target:

Add with comman denomonators.


1: Add the fraction with the other fraction or fractions.
2: Add the whole number with the other whole number or numbers
3: Add the fraction with the whole number.
4: Simply if needed.


21/4 + 63/4=_9_



»11:57 PM    »2 comments     »Send entry    

Posted by: wolbero
Modified on December 7, 2006 at 10:24 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006

 Learning Target

Use strategies to develop formulas for finding the circumference of circles.



32.1÷12.3= 2.610


If you multiply the ratio by the diamitor you get the cercoferance. That is called PIE. 


»9:21 PM    »Write comment     »Send entry    

Posted by: wolbero
Monday, October 16, 2006

Scribe Post Number 1

Learning Target

Estamateing sums and differentses using desimals.


54.12+21.45 = 75.57

54.00 = 21.00 = 76


89.34 - 45.17 = 44.17

89.00 - 45.00 = 44



When you find the estamated anwer, you must...

Round, then add or subtract. the answer must be a whole number.

If the number has to be rounded up, know that your sum or difference

will be a bit higher than the real answer.


Take a quiz

»3:44 PM    »Write comment     »Send entry    

Posted by: wolbero
Friday, October 13, 2006

Solar Water Heater Blog Project



  • Which solar water heater backround works best, black or white?

  • Will the tempture increes more if we cover the heater with a lid?


IF: There is uncovered black plastic solar water heater,

THEN: the water will increase the temperature more. Coverd black attracts the most heat.

Results in sentance form

  • Coverd black attracts the most heat. It increases the most in tempurature

Conclusion statement based on data and results

  • A black solar water heater that is covered will increase the tempuature best.


Chages for next time

  • We could use a different desine for the solar water heaters.


New Question

  • Will soap affect this prodject



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    Posted by: wolbero
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