

Comments: 2    


        What is a savanna?

               A savanna is a rolling grass land with trees scatered

        Where is a savanna?

        There are savannas in Africa, South America, India, Myanmar-Thailand, and Australia.

        What is the climit?

               The climit is hot and not much rain falls.  December through Febuary is cooler.  The temputure is  70'

       What animals live there?

             Lions, giraffe, crocadles, impalas, hippos, hyenas and many more.

     What was are some of the plants?

           Some of the plants are Gum tree Eucalyptus, Jackalberry tree, River bushwilow, Elephant grass, Umbrella thorn tree, Whistaling thorn.


    For more info try this website or you ca try this one here also you can try Savanna plants





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schneiderm on January 9, 2007 at 7:30 PM
This is a pretty well done entry! I like what you did it on, The Savanna.


wyoming5 on January 11, 2007 at 9:21 PM
I wish I had known about those websites before we started the unit on the savanna; I would have used them in class. Very well done entry.


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