Entries "March 2007":

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Scribe post

Learning Target: Developing the area for rectangles, triangles, and parrallelograms.

Formulas: To find the  area of a triangle you apply the equation 1/2 (base * height).

                                                               To find the area of a rectangle you apply the

                                                               equation length * width.


 To find the area for a parrallelogram you apply the equation base * height.

Now let's do some example problems:

If a triangle has the base of  3 inches and the height of 5 inches what is the area?

If you got 7.5 square inches you are correct! You would first multiply the base by the height.

The equation would be 3 times 5 = 15 square inches. 

Then divide the product by 2.  The equation would be 15/2 = 7.5 square inches.


If a rectangle has a width of 15 inches and the length is 4 inches what is the area?

If you got 60 square inches you are correct! 15 inches * 4 inches= 60 square inches.


If you have a parallelogram that has a base of 11 inches and a height of 8 inches what is the area?

If you got 89 square inches you are wrong 

The correct answer is 88 square inches. The equation for this is 11 inches * 8 inches= 88 square inches.


Check out this video about the area of a rectangle:





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