Entries "My entries":

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Learning target
Creating a tessalation


This is an example of semi-regular tesselation. A semi-regular tessalation 
is a tesselation that contains more than one regular polygon.

These tesselations have just one regular polygon.  Tesselations 
that have only one regular polygon are called regular tesselations.

»2:02 AM    »1 comments    

Posted by: eblingm
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Scribe post#3

Learning target

Turning mixed numbers into improper fractions.


3 and 2/4 1.) Multiply denominator by whole number.

4x3=12+2=14 2.) Add the numerator.

14/4 3.) Put the answer over the starting denominator


First you multiply the denominator by a whole number. Then you add the numerator. finally you put the answer over the original denominator.

Learning target

    Turning improper fractions into decimals. 


25/6                         1.) Divide the numerator by the denominator.

25 divided by 6 = 4 r1  2.) Put the remainder on top of the number outside of the box

4 1/6 = mixed            3.)Put the answer in front of the fraction and you have the mixed number.


        First you divide the numerator by the denominator.  Then put the remainder on top of the number outside of the box.  Finally you put the answer in front of fraction and you have the mixed number. 

»12:44 AM    »4 comments    

Posted by: eblingm
Thursday, October 26, 2006

scribe post#2

Learning Target

Use strategies to develop formulas for finding the circumference of circles.



34.2÷7.5= 4.56


       If you multiply the radius by the diameter of a circle the answer is the circumference.  What we did on Friday was this, we took           a string and we put it around a circular object.  Then we measuredthe amount of string we used.  In other words we measured           the circomference of the circular object.  then we measured the diameter of the object.  Finally we divided the circomference by          the diameter and we got the radius.

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»1:09 AM    »Write comment    

Posted by: eblingm
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Solar Water Heater Blog Project


     My question was, does covered or uncovered water with a black or white surrounding affect temperature of the water?
     My hypothesis was, if your solar water heater is covered and is black, then the water will heat up faster.


     1. Put water in your solar energy heater.
     2. Cut a hole in the lid (if you have a lid).
     3. Stick the thermometer in the hole you cut in the lid of your solar cooker. 
     4. Record the temperature.
     5. Go outside, put solar cooker in the sun, and wait five minutes, then record temperature.
     6. Wait five more minutes and record temperature again. Repeat once more. 
     7.  Come inside and discuss your results. 
     8. See which solar cooker of a)black uncovered, b) black covered, c) white uncovered, or d) white covered heated the water to           the highest temperature.                                                                                                                                              
     Black covered worked the best.  It worked the best because it soaked in the most solar energy.  Also black covered had a lid which helped keep in more thermal energy.  White uncovered worked the least best beacause it didn't soak up as much thermal energy and it let out thermal energy through the top because it didn't have a lid.

      My hypothosis was that the black covered solar water heater was the best at heating the water.  I was right because it turned out that the black covered was the best at heating the water in the end in my experiment.

      I wouldn't take so long to make the parts for my experiment and I would have my new question be does a plastic cup with cardbourd on the top of it get hotter than a cup without a peice of cardbourd on it? 

»1:03 AM    »Write comment    

Posted by: eblingm
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My first blog post!!

Fifth grade is alot of fun.  You have a lot more lunch choices.  You also get lockers. Cool I like my teachers a lot.   

»5:21 PM    »Write comment    

Posted by: eblingm