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Linear and Non Linear Functions

    What is a function you may ask. A function is a factor that depends on another factor. Today we will be adresseing linear and non-linear functions using perimeter and area. I have made a graph to help explain our lesson for today.



    Lets start off with linear functions. As you know perimeter has a pattern when you are trying to find it on a square. The rule is that it always goes up by four which leads the line to be completely straight and have no wierd intervals when it is graphed. This is because it has a constant rate of change, or more simply, a pattern. Here is a plain graph of a linear function.


    Now onto non-linear functions. Area is non-linear. As you can see in the top graph the area has a very unsteady line. This is because it goes up two more than it had the last time. So in the end a non linear function is a function that does not have a constant rate of change.

I hope you learned a lot about linear and non-linear equations.

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